Saturday, January 31, 2009

Preparing For Your Spelling Bee

Hi, friends. I hope you enjoyed the previous lesson. Today, our lesson is going to be very interesting. Okay, have you realised that whenever a speller is asked to spell a word, they ask for the language of origin? Do you know that if you want to prepare for your spelling bee, you have to study languages of origin or word origins? So, that is our lesson. To prepare for your spelling bee, you must study languages of origin or word origins. A great tool that can help you study languages of origin is a study booklet called Spell It! This booklet is online. It is also available in print form. So, print a copy of this tool. So, our lesson for the day is "Studying languages of origin or word origins can help you prepare for your spelling bee. I hope you have benefited from today's lesson. Keep enjoying and you will reach the top. Until the next lesson, BYE BYE.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Spelling Bee Preparation

Hello, friends! This blog is all about spelling bee preparation. Our first lesson is studying for a spelling bee. You can prepare for a spelling bee by:
a. Studying all wordlists.
b. Not wasting too much time memorizing wordlists.
c. Studying word roots, word elements and word lists.
d. Using the dictionary when studying.
e. By creating a study timetable for spelling bee studies.
f. Letting somebody quiz you after studying each time.
I hope you will benefit from these lessons. These spelling lessons can even benefit me! So, please, take the lessons very serious. See you another time.